perm filename EXPERT.MTG[RDG,DBL] blob sn#539133 filedate 1980-10-08 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Mail from RAND-UNIX rcvd at 21-Aug-80 0942-PDT
C00012 00003	From: Mary at Rand-Unix		ESW Handouts
C00014 ENDMK
Mail from RAND-UNIX rcvd at 21-Aug-80 0942-PDT
From: Mary at Rand-Unix
Date: 21 Aug 1980 at 0939-PDT
To: duda at Sri-Kl, reboh at Sri-Kl, lenat at Sumex-Aim
To: greiner at Sumex-Aim, nii at Sumex-Aim, aiello at Sumex-Aim
To: stan at Sri-Kl, Gorlin at Rand-Unix, erman at Usc-Isie
To: feigenbaum at Sumex-Aim, plondon at Usc-Isie, weiss at Rutgers
To: politakis at Rutgers, scott at Sumex-Aim, vanmelle at Sumex-Aim
cc: Rick at Rand-Unix, Don at Rand-Unix, Sarna at Rand-Unix
cc: Mary at Rand-Unix

Dear Members of Knowledge Engineering:

	Following is the latest agenda of the Expert Systems Workshop
this weekend.  Please note that your first meeting will be on Saturday
afternoon at 3:30.

					Mary Shannon
					Cathy Sarna


SATURDAY  August 23

 3:30-5:00     Briefing with chairmen, Knowledge Engineering
	       group (both team captains and wizards), and
	       introduction to the mystery expert.              Mahina

 Evening unscheduled


SUNDAY   August 24

 9:00-10:00    KE group organizational meeting                  Mahina

10:30-12:30    KE group meeting:  Interview expert              Makai

12:30-1:30     Lunch  unscheduled

 1:30-5:30     KE group meeting: Interview expert               Makai

 7:00-10:00    Reception and buffet for all participants        Mauka/Mahina


MONDAY   August 25

 8:30-8:45     Introductory remarks by chairman                 Mauka/Mahina

 8:45-12:00    Position papers by group leaders:
	       Description and summary of positions
	       of each group
	       (20-25 minutes each with 5-10 minute reactions)  Mauka/Mahina

12:00-1:30     Lunch  arranged                                  Makai

 1:30-5:30     KE group meeting:  Interview expert.             Mauka/Mahina

 1:30-2:00     Working group organizational meetings

				Definition                      ←←←←←←←←←←

				Knowledge Acquisition           ←←←←←←←←←←

				Architecture                    ←←←←←←←←←←

				Meta-Cognition                  ←←←←←←←←←←

				Performance                     ←←←←←←←←←←

 2:00-2:30     Break

 2:30-5:30     Working group meetings

				Definition                      ←←←←←←←←←←

				Knowledge Acquisition           ←←←←←←←←←←

				Architecture                    ←←←←←←←←←←

				Meta-Cognition                  ←←←←←←←←←←

				Performance                     ←←←←←←←←←←

 7:00-10:00     Banquet                                         Makai

 9:00-9:30     Presentation by Knowledge Engineering
		group leader                                    ←←←←←←←←←←


TUESDAY  August 26

 8:30-12:30     Knowledge Engineering group meeting             Mauka/Mahina

		Working Group meetings for:

			Definition                              ←←←←←←←←←←

			Knowledge Acquisition                   ←←←←←←←←←←

			Architecture                            ←←←←←←←←←←

12:30-1:30     Lunch  unscheduled

 1:30-5:30     Knowledge Engineering group meeting              Mauka/Mahina

		Working groups meeting:

			Meta-Cognition                          ←←←←←←←←←←

			Performance                             ←←←←←←←←←←

 6:00-8:00     Dinner  arranged                                 Makai

 8:00-10:00     Knowledge Engineering meeting                   Mauka/Mahina

		Working group meetings or leader preparation
		of revised outline:

			Definition                              ←←←←←←←←←←

			Knowledge Acquisition                   ←←←←←←←←←←

			Architecture                            ←←←←←←←←←←

			Meta Cognition                          ←←←←←←←←←←

			Performance                             ←←←←←←←←←←


WEDNESDAY  August 27

 9:00-12:30     General Meeting
		  Group leaders each lead 1/2 hour
		  discussion describing their revised
		  outline of the paper.                         Mauka/Mahina

12:30-1:30     Lunch  arranged                                  Makai

 1:30-5:30     Knowledge Engineering meeting                    Mauka/Mahina

		Working group meetings

			Definition                              ←←←←←←←←←←

			Knowledge Acquisition                   ←←←←←←←←←←

			Architecture                            ←←←←←←←←←←

			Meta Cognition                          ←←←←←←←←←←

			Performance                             ←←←←←←←←←←

 Dinner unscheduled

 Evening unscheduled


THURSDAY  August 28

 9:00-12:00     Knowledge Engineering group
		  Programing results integrated into
		  outline                                       Mauka/Mahina

		Working group meetings
		  Prepare final outlines

				Definition                      ←←←←←←←←←←

				Knowledge Acquisition           ←←←←←←←←←←

				Architecture                    ←←←←←←←←←←

				Meta-Cognition                  ←←←←←←←←←←

				Performance                     ←←←←←←←←←←

12:00-1:00     Lunch unscheduled

 1:00-4:15     General Meeting
		  Group leaders each lead 30 minute discussion
		  describing their revised chapter outline.
		  Knowledge Engineering group leader describes
		  progress.                                     Mauka/Mahina

		  Only group leaders, the Knowledge Engineering
		  group team captains, and chairmen remain.

 5:30-7:00     Dinner  arranged                                 Makai

 7:00-8:30     Group leaders and team captains meeting.
		  Discuss ways to integrate Knowledge
		  Engineering results with other chapters.      Mauka/Mahina

 8:30-11:00     Writing
		  Group leaders fill out their outlines.


FRIDAY  August 29

 9:00-12:00     Wrap-up meeting
		  Group leaders and chairmen discuss chapter
		  formats and procedures for completing book.   Makai


From: Mary at Rand-Unix		ESW Handouts
Date:  9 Sep 1980 at 1341-PDT
To: People at Rand-Unix
cc: Mary at Rand-Unix

Dear Participants:

	If you did not receive a copy of any of the following
	papers from the Expert Systems Workshop (handed out on
	Thursday), please indicate by number which you would
	like to have sent, along with your current address.

	If you need any further information, let me know.

				Mary at Rand-Unix

[Here was list of things]


Mailed to Mary@RAND-UNIX  16:55 11-Sept
	I am, apparently, not on your mailing list for the ESW messages.
(I found out about it from Doug Lenat.)  Could you please add me in?

Also, could you send me the following team reports:
 2. (RLL)
 3. (EXPERT)
13. (AGE)
14. (ROSIE)
15. (EMYCIN)

	Russ Greiner
	Margaret Jack Hall
	Stanford University
	Stanford, CA 94305

I can reached as (preferably) RDG@SAIL, (or CSD.GREINER@SCORE).